Thursday, 10 December 2015

Preliminary Exercise evaluation feedback

Evaluation mark: 5/10
Grade: D

WWW: A reasonably solid evaluation that does use media terminology effectively in the middle paragraph. You’ve been honest and highlighted the weaknesses accurately. You’ve also acknowledged that you needed to contribute more to the group which is a brilliant lesson for the main coursework to follow.

EBI: For the top grades, you lack the detailed analysis of key shots, edits, sounds etc. and the possible interpretations for the audience. The beginning of your middle paragraph (‘The panning shot…’) is what you need more of – but you also need the depth to the analysis too. You never have more than a sentence of analysis on each aspect. The weaknesses focus heavily on process rather than film analysis – aside from the dialogue issue which you could have made more of.

LR: Copy and paste this feedback into a new blogpost and write three specific aspects you will look to improve for the real MEST2 evaluation in March.

  • For starters I'd like to try and focus more on shots, edits, and sounds and explain the effect that it has on the audience.
  • I should also add more into what I talk about so that there is more depth into each topic that I talk about. This could mean talking about the effect on the audience which has previously been mentioned. 
  • Next time I should probably focus on film analysis which would mean that I haven't implemented some film analysis which is something that has been taught and including this could improve on the actual evaluation.

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