Blade Runner
I think the film is about a man who has finally found his rival in combat and must defeat him to keep his title. I'm saying this because judging by the tagline, he would want to stay as the superior character There's also a flying vehicle which presents an element of sci-fi. The genre can be action as Harrison Ford's character is seen holding up a weapon. Also the light is mainly shone around the protagonist's face which could show that Harrison would be the selling point for this trailer.The target audience could mainly be those who have an interest in the action genre. As previously mentioned the vehicle presents a sci-fi element so it would most likely attract some sci-fi fans.
Scary Movie 2
The film looks to be about the misfortune of people in a horror film but parodied for entertainment. The storyline might be based around the characters on the poster as they may die in a comedic manor. The characters don't really look like they're in danger or would have any signature weapon or blood which would've been conventions tailored to a thriller film. However it looks like there's just the cast looking towards the audience like watching a movie judging by the projector that's behind them. The genre is comedy but with an element of thriller although it isn't the typical thriller film. This could be targeted towards teenagers and people who like comedies due to it's main genre.
Uzak looks to be about someone's journey of surviving judging by the slightly gloomy atmosphere and that there's a single person standing out on his own. The genre could be drama as it could be mainly focused on his life. It could be tailored towards an older audience as it may have some serious themes in his life while surviving on his own.
I'm Not Scared
This looks to be a thriller judging by the fact it's on the tagline and the title which has a sense of fear with it. The story could be based around a kid who gets bullied and there's a challenge that none have dared to conquered until he accepts this scary challenge to boost his reputation (this is assumed). This potential narrative has the requirements of a young child. Also since he is looking down, he may be facing the challenge moments before attempting it. This sort of film could be mainly based for a thriller audience.
Sin City
This looks to mainly be film noir due to its black and white colour scheme with the infamous text on read which looks similar to a 1980s film. This also givers the film this old sense of feeling. The guns that are wielded by the cast on the poster also insight on some action in this film. The film could be targeted for an older audience due to its setting but it may also bring in some younger audience for it's action sequences
This looks to have action and adventure with the theme of pirates in this movie. Judging by the title, it would seem like the protagonist pirate is searching for a chest which may include treasure which is mainly associated with pirates. The genre looks to be adventure from the title "Dead Man's Chest" and have some action judging by the gun that Jonny Depp's character is holding up. Also there appear to be ships at sea so there could be naval combat expected in the movie. This is mainly aimed to ayounger audience such as children as they would more likely have an interest in pirates compared to an older audience.
This looks to be a movie about a man who wants to go out with the girl that he may think is his "one". The overall weather looks peaceful so it could also signify this being less likely to have violence. This looks to have an element of comedy judging by the comment made above but it looks to mainly be about romance. There also appear to be a crowd behind them which could signify their importance in the movie. This film looks to be based at a family friendly rating but the last comment "so sexy" questions the family friendly setting that it maybe.
This looks to be about a young woman who is worth a lot maybe because she could be an important character in this movie that she must discover. This film looks to have a factor of action because of the sports bra which is usually signified with active work or that she may be on the run because she is a high value target. This film looks to have the action genre because Clint Eastwood is mainly known for his action films as well as westerns.This film looks like it is targeting fans of action due to the colour scheme having this dark and gritty look.